Few cuisines around the world, seem as intimidating to people who do not naturally belong to them, as Asian cuisine, which is beloved and very much popular in all parts of the world.
When eating it in countries that are not Asian, you can be surprised to know that Asian food even in the same country has differences, from one part of the country to another, from one district to another.
In the world, the most popular are Chinese and Japanese, and since a few years ago, Thai.
Cambodian, Korean, and Vietnamese, as well as Indian and Pakistani cuisine are interesting.
Nevertheless, Japanese cuisine, most particularly such, as the most prominent part of it, has taken over the world.
People crave it.
Sushi is essentially rice, even though there is a widespread opinion in our country that sushi means “raw fish”, this is actually not true.
The term sushi refers to cooked rice prepared with mild rice vinegar so that it forms a mass that is firmer and more compressed than the regular one that most of us use.
Now, as we have said, sushi is spread around the world, and many people love it, and there are those who are not fans of it.
And when you have the desire to taste it, and you belong to the Jewish community, or you simply follow the kosher rules of food as you feel that it suits you the best, can you consume it?
The primary problem here lies in the fact that, although some things are clear like you can eat fish that has scales and fins, and you cannot eat seafood other, we know that sushi can be made from all creatures that live in the sea, so maybe the answer will be that you can eat only certain kinds of sushi.
These are the kins that are prepared with fish that is kosher, but let us start.
Fish takes a special part of kashrut law, as all foods are separated into sections with their own rules.
Is Sushi Kosher?
Is sushi kosher is probably the question that is asked many times from the side of people who are eating kosher but want to enjoy this Japanese deliciousness.
Sushi is something you either like or you don’t, there is no in-between.
This is a specialty that must be prepared in a very controlled and hygienic environment because this is after all a specialty with live fish.
Sushi masters are in high demand in the world and are well paid, especially if they know the Kosher way of preparing sushi.
It is generally known that the Jewish people may only consume fish from rivers, seas, and lakes that have certain physical characteristics, namely fins, and scales.
They must not taste lobster, crabs, squid, shellfish, snakes…
And in sushi specialties, you can find all of the above, both kosher and non-kosher.
So, whether sushi will be kosher or not depends on the ingredients from which it is prepared, the method of preparation, and the utensils used for its preparation…
Therefore, the answer to the question of whether sushi is kosher or not is both affirmative and negative.
If Jews want and like sushi, they will have to consume it in verified restaurants, where the sushi master is familiar with its preparation according to Kosher protocols.
A substitute for crab or lobster meat in sushi can be surimi, which is actually a white fish but with a taste that goes very well with crab and lobster meat.
The fish for making sushi must be a fish that has fins and scales.
Tuna is also kosher even though it does not have scales, it has fins and it can also be found on the list of fish for preparing sushi.
When a member of the Jewish community wants to order sushi, he needs to know exactly which ingredients and which utensils it is prepared with.
In certain restaurants, the combination of kosher sushi is correctly indicated on the menu, while in some they have to work out their own combination, otherwise, the method of preparation is questioned.
If, for example, a Jewish person comes to a sushi restaurant who is not familiar with the kosher way of preparing it, explaining to the chef how to prepare kosher sushi would probably only annoy him because it is a way of preparation that requires a certain type of training and knowledge of the entire kosher way nutrition.
So it is still much simpler to go to a sushi restaurant, which is familiar with the Kosher procedure and the way sushi is prepared.
But restaurants that are familiar with the Kosher way of preparing sushi and also the Halal way of preparing sushi will charge more for their certificates and the training they have passed for that type of this specialty of preparing the same.
But that’s why a member of the Jewish community can be sure that, through this specialty, he won’t introduce anything he shouldn’t consume and can completely relax and enjoy the taste.
Of course, we do not try and do not want to dissuade you from enjoying this Japanese specialty, but we also try to point out the risks that consumption, i.e. excessive consumption of this specialty brings with it.
Therefore, if a member of the Jewish community wants to enjoy this Japanese specialty, we advise him to do so in one of the restaurants, the Chinese sushi masters have received training in the preparation of sushi according to kosher standards, so that they can be sure that they have eaten everything that is allowed and with a clear conscience. enjoy the flavors of this wonderful specialty for individuals.
We must also mention that sushi does not have to be only live fish, but can also be thermally processed for those who are unable to eat live meat.
It is a completely understandable and normal fact that tastes are different and no one should be forced to try live fish if they are disgusted.
This fish can always be processed thermally as much as possible, in order to make it bearable for certain people to eat.
But the original sushi is made with live fish.
Sushi contains many nutrients and is a very healthy food when it is consumed in moderation, of course, prepared from the best quality ingredients.
With a high protein content and low carbohydrate content, it is recommended for exercisers who want to increase muscle mass and reduce the percentage of fat in the body.
It also contains numerous vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fibers, which are necessary for the smooth functioning of the body.
That if you want to improve your figure by training, for example, 3 times a week, we advise you to have dinner after training with a portion of 350 grams of sushi, and your body will thank you for it and it will recover much faster from hard training.
If you want to complete your enjoyment after this delicious meal, you can drink some sake afterward.
But we must mention that there are numerous discussions about this alcoholic drink, whether or not it is kosher.
But if the restaurant where you eat sushi has Sugihara Brewery’s sake on offer, you can relax because this sake is certified as Koser!
More about Sushi
So now when you have found the most favorite kosher sushi, it is good to remind you that eating sushi with chopsticks is not at all common in Japan. On the contrary!
Only sashimi should be consumed with chopsticks.
The other forms can be eaten with the fingers without any problems, even in formal situations.
Never eat sushi with a fork that is for sure.
The strict rules of manners dictate that the rice part should never be dipped in the soy sauce, because the rice will fall apart, but that each piece should be turned upside down and only the “cover” of the fish should be wetted with the sauce.
Maki rolls make this easy, as they have a seaweed coating.
But, as we said, this is a commandment of strict etiquette and today it is often avoided.
The most common kind of sushi specialties are maki rolls and nigiri. Sashimi, despite the widespread misconception, is not a type of sushi, simply because it does not contain rice.
But again, there is one thing that all sushi lovers should pay attention to, whether that sushi is kosher or not!
And that is that you should never exceed the sushi portion limit of 300-350 grams three times a week.
Why is it so?
Because if you exceed that limit, you risk ingesting a dangerous amount of mercury, which can accumulate in your organs and cause serious health problems.
This is especially true for sushi made from fish that are at the top of the food chain, such as shark, tuna, and cod…
They have a larger amount of life in them than smaller fish, and it is the large fish that are most often used to prepare this specialty.
The soul of the shark is most often found in American sushi.
Also, in addition to life, you run the risk of hooking a parasite such as a tapeworm or even salmonella if the sushi has gone bad.
And considering that this is a live fish, the probability of it spoiling is very high.
The amount of life in sea fish is very worrying and increases year by year, so you should take all this into account.
In any case, eating freshly prepared sushi for true masters of its preparation could be a truly wonderful experience, but eating it too much is not recommended for your health, and not only for the mercury that is found in some of these sea creatures but also because of the high sodium that is found in soy sauce.
So, we have said that this is one of the most favorite Asian dishes that are served all over the world, and people either love it or they hate it, as the idea that they will consume raw fish, as sushi is mostly seen, even if this is not true, is gross.
But, for those who want to enjoy these dishes and see them as a true harmony of extravagant taste and exotic flavor, then they have found their place among all people, even the Jewish community.
Finding a sushi kosher restaurant is not an easy task, but there are types of sushi that are suitable for the Jewish community and all those who follow this regime of diet.
For sushi to be seen as kosher, it has to be prepared from ingredients that are kosher, and the master that makes it has to have or have been familiar with the kosher rules of food.
Oftentimes, there are restaurants, and this is the eats way to be sure that you are eating sushi that is kosher, and that has a kosher certificate.
Look for them and enjoy your piece of sushi.
Some of these food places, and these restaurants can be small places just with one counter that will specifically label their menu.
In fact, the combination of kosher sushi is precisely indicated on the menu, while in some they have to work out their own combination, otherwise, the method of preparation is questioned.
But, for those who want to enjoy it, there is sushi which is kosher, just you have to look for it.
Read also: Is Salmon Kosher?