When Is The Best Time to Drink Earl Grey Tea?

One of the world’s most elegant tea blends, Earl Grey is delicate, fragrant, and flavored with a dash of bergamot.

Earl Grey was a tea of the nobility, as its name would imply.

It is said to be a preferred brew for those special events and is named for the British Prime Minister Charles Grey.

But historically, blending Bergamot into a black tea foundation was thought to be a technique to hide subpar tea quality.

It was rumored to have been made for the Lord Grey in Northumberland by a Chinese mandarin.

This guy added bergamot to the tea to improve the balance because the water at the northern coasts was heavily lime-infused.

About The Tea

It can be challenging to select your favorite tea because there are so many varieties to pick from.

Even if you’ve limited your tea selection to black tea, there are still a ton of options.

Earl grey begins with leaves from the Camellia Sinensis tea plant, just like all other black teas.

So, what distinguishes this refined tea from other types of tea, then?

Bergamot orange oil is the secret ingredient that transforms tea leaves into an Earl Grey tea blend.

Citrus fruit known as bergamot, which resembles grapefruit, is a native of the Italian Calabria region.

Its rind imparts a delicate, floral flavor and scent as well as a very pleasant, reviving taste.

Although occasionally you may get a green or Rooibos tea flavored with bergamot, it is often brewed with milder black tea blends.

Although most users discover they love the flavor profile of Earl Grey on its own, without milk or sugar, even if they typically add a splash of milk to their black tea. It lacks the typical black tea’s bitterness.

It’s typically best kept simple, just like the majority of the best things in life.

The Best Time For Earl Grey Tea

Regular tea drinkers might disagree with us and claim that there is never a bad time to enjoy a cup of black tea and that every moment of the day is a good opportunity to indulge in its sweetness.

But specialists have discovered that drinking black tea is excellent at specific times.

As you may probably be aware, black tea has a comparatively low caffeine content.

The taste of black tea at night may be avoided by individuals who are sensitive to caffeine.

It would be more beneficial and effective to have a cup of black tea in the morning or the afternoon.

Can You Drink Earl Grey Tea In The Morning?

A warm cup of Earl Grey in the morning, we think we can all agree, is a great way to start the day.

That slowly released caffeine will do more than just get you through the morning.

However, drinking Earl Grey can help a hungry stomach feel better, so it is perfect for breaking a nightly fast.

As a result, fifteen minutes or so after breakfast is the ideal time for an early-morning cup of Earl Grey.

After a long night of sleep, de-fogging your brain with tea is a great method to hydrate.

Can You Drink Earl Grey Tea In The Afternoon?

Halfway through the day, all of a sudden, your energy is gone. If only you could find a solution to that.

Fortunately, Earl Grey tea is the ideal remedy for the mid-afternoon lull.

Additionally, it may aid in lowering your cortisol levels. In turn, this makes it easier for you to transition smoothly into the afternoon.

What does this signify, though? In essence, tea contains a different type of caffeine than coffee.

You’re more likely to experience a steady energy boost with tea. On the other side, coffee might make you jittery.

Can You Drink Earl Grey Tea In The Evening?

Earl Grey tea contains bergamot, which is well known for its relaxing effects.

It’s a great sleep aid because of this. But black tea is also a component in earl grey.

So you might want to reconsider that sip if you have a low tolerance for caffeine,  particularly right before bed.

Normally, it takes your body up to 10 hours to completely flush out caffeine.

However, a lot depends on your weight, age, medication, the condition of your liver, and whether or not you’re pregnant.

Even though coffee has far higher caffeine content than tea, the effects of the caffeine wear off sooner in coffee.

The caffeine you drank from that cup of Earl Grey, though, can stay in your system for a time after you’ve had it.

In light of this, you might want to cut back on your Earl Grey consumption a few hours before bed.

There are some options, though, if you just can’t live without your cup of Earl Grey.

From noon on, replace your regular blend with decaffeinated Earl Grey if you have a caffeine sensitivity.

How Much Caffeine Is In Earl Grey Tea?

A cup of black tea is a great option if you want your beverage to provide you a clear, smooth energy boost.

Caffeine levels in black teas are often higher than in oolong tea, white tea, and green tea (with the except matcha).

But how does Earl Grey black measure up against a cup of coffee, English Breakfast tea, or simply a tea?

Caffeine content will vary depending on the processing and if the black tea used as the foundation is Assam or Ceylon.

The average amount of caffeine in Earl Grey is 30–40 mg, which is slightly less than the average amount in English breakfast teas.

And while a typical cup of coffee has 95–150 mg of caffeine, the energy boost you get from tea is very different from that of coffee.

Does Milk Go Into Earl Grey Tea?

To properly appreciate the distinct flavor and delicate taste of the fragrant bergamot, the majority of tea connoisseurs drink their Earl Grey tea without milk.

We advise a creamy nut or plant milk if you prefer to drink the tea with milk.

The tea should be added after the milk has been poured into a warmed teacup. The milk can be warmed in this manner.

Earl Grey tea is best appreciated as a late morning or early afternoon “pick me up” drink because it includes caffeine.

How Is Earl Grey Made?

The Earl Grey trademark was never filed by the Grey family.

Because of this, numerous tea manufacturers create their own variations of this delicious tea.

Bergamot-infused teas are produced by tea firms all over the world, from California to the French valleys, Irish highlands, and California.

The amount and kind of bergamot and tea used, as well as the manufacturing company, determine the flavors.

Black tea leaves include classic varieties like Assam and Darjeeling from India as well as mixtures from China and Africa like Lapsang Souchong.

Some producers mix black teas from different parts of the world.

The flavor of Earl Grey tea is also impacted by the drying process.

Black tea leaves can be roasted, pan-fired, steamed, or any combination of these.

After being picked, the black tea leaves go through several processing steps, including withering, rolling, oxidation, and drying.

The leaves are not oxidized for Earl Grey teas prepared from green tea, also known as Earl green tea.

Immediately following the drying process is typically when teas are flavored.

There are two ways to flavor Earl Grey teas:

  • Bergamot essential oil or extracts are sprayed or coated on the tea leaves to impart taste.
  • A different option is to combine dried bergamot orange rinds with the dried leaves before brewing them in water.

Oil-coated Earl Grey teas typically have a greater citrus flavor.

10 Benefits Of Earl Grey Tea

There are many tea blends available today that are renowned for their extraordinary physical and mental benefits.

Earl Grey, on the other hand, is a tea that you might not be aware can provide your body with a wealth of benefits.

Earl Grey, also referred to as bergamot tea, has been a popular choice for many tea drinkers for many years and continues to be so today.

What advantages does Earl Grey tea provide, though? And what adjustments can you make to your daily routine to maintain your positive attitude?

  1. It contains an appropriate level of caffeine.

In contrast to coffee, Earl Grey tea can provide you the much-needed energy boost you need in the middle of a hard day without causing you to feel any worse for wear.

Additionally, unlike coffee, Earl Grey tea hydrates you since it lacks the drying effects of caffeine.

  1. It helps with digestion.

Black tea’s polyphenols have been demonstrated to support gut health and maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora.

A cup of Earl Grey tea can aid with constipation, intestinal infections, and can help eliminate any potentially dangerous compounds that may still be present in your digestive system.

Earl Grey tea is a convenient way to help you maintain good gut health because it has an impact on the entire body.

  1. Teeth can benefit from it.

The capability of Earl Grey tea to benefit your teeth is another unexpected advantage.

This tea is a simple approach to keep your mouth healthy and fight off any bacteria that can cause tooth decay or cavities because it contains fluoride and catechin.

This isn’t an excuse to put off going to the dentist, but it would be a good idea to incorporate a cup of Earl Grey into your regular oral care routine going forward.

  1. It raises defenses and aids in cold prevention.

Do you feel a little under the weather? Take a sip of some hot Earl Grey tea.

Earl Grey is recognized to boost immunity and fight colds in addition to being a calming experience.

This is brought on by the bergamot oil’s antioxidant capabilities, which work to combat the free radicals that can cause infection and other diseases.

To help ease your sore throat throughout the winter, you may even add a teaspoon of honey. This will help you feel better quickly.

  1. It aids in calming you down

A hot cup of tea is a terrific way to unwind and prepare for a restful night’s sleep.

However, Earl Grey in particular is excellent for calming you down and supporting your efforts to fend off despair and anxiety.

The natural aromatherapy properties of bergamot make this tasty beverage a simple way to elevate your mood and soothe your nervous system.

Think about sipping on some Earl Grey the next time you feel stressed out at work or in your daily life.

  1. It improves concentration.

In addition to caffeine, Earl Grey also includes L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation and increases focus.

There is no doubting that mental focus and clarity suffer when anxiety levels are high, which is why Earl Grey is a fantastic choice for anyone who has trouble being accurate and attentive.

This is especially beneficial for those who lead stressful lives or have demanding jobs.

  1. Maintains Your Hydration

Earl Grey is a fantastic substitute for uninteresting water.

You will consume the same quantity of water from it as you would from a typical 8-ounce glass of water because it is infused in water.

The fruity and malty flavors fulfill a sweet tooth, and the taste is excellent.

To maintain the low-calorie nature of this beverage, make sure to limit the amount of sugar additives like cane sugar and honey.

  1. It works like detox.

Earl Grey tea contains antioxidants that aid in the elimination of free radicals.

These free radicals cause everything from premature aging to cancer in the human body. An unhealthy diet, smoking, and environmental factors such as pollution all contribute to free radicals.

Earl Grey tea cleanses the body of free radicals.

  1. It helps in weight loss.

If you’re seeking for healthy weight management strategies, Earl Grey may be the beverage for you because of its exquisite bergamot and citrus fruit blend.

When it comes to weight loss, Earl Grey functions on several levels.

First off, black tea has polyphenols that can improve fat metabolism, slow down the digestion of lipids, and lessen oxidative stress.

You can successfully lose weight while maintaining a healthy diet if you combine all of this sweetness with the beneficial effects that citrus fruits can have on body fat composition.

  1. Decreases the risk of a stroke.

Black tea is a gift that keeps on giving, and it can even lessen your risk of having a stroke.

Studies have shown that regularly drinking black tea can have a favorable effect on blood pressure, bringing it down from the red zone into the healthy zone and preventing significant health consequences like heart attacks and strokes.

Adverse Consequences Of Excessive Earl Grey Tea Consumption

Bergamot tea is generally regarded as being risk-free for healthy individuals, although excessive use may pose some concerns.

One case study linked excessive bergamot tea consumption to muscle cramps and hazy vision, symptoms that may be tied to a bergamot tea component that prevents potassium absorption.

However, the participant in this study drank a lot more tea than most people do—over 16 cups (4 liters) each day, in fact.

In addition, tea includes substances known as tannins that may prevent your body from absorbing iron.

Consider drinking tea between meals if you frequently drink it and are worried about your iron status to encourage improved iron absorption from diet.

Last but not least, since the majority of bergamot teas contain caffeine, limit your consumption if you suffer from jitters, anxiety, or other negative consequences.

You can also choose the decaf variety.


Black tea varieties can be enjoyed any time of the day, depending on your preferences.

To boost your energy and be ready for the day ahead, it is suggested that you drink a cup of black tea in the morning because the mixture contains compounds that contain caffeine.

Additionally, you can relax with a cup of black tea in the afternoon and give yourself a boost to face the difficult day ahead.

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